247: Screw It, Let's Do It! (w/ Yeardley Smith)
Yeardley Smith (Co-creator & co-host of Small Town Dicks, voice of Lisa Simpson) has have a motto her whole life - "Screw It, Let's Do It!". It's fun and exciting but there are also consequences for being that impulsive. She joins Gabrus to discuss getting over failures in the entertainment industry, motivational mantras everybody should use to get the most joy in your life, and of course her iconic role in Maximum Overdrive.
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Be sure to check out Yeardley's true crime podcast Small Town Dicks. Small Town Dicks is a podcast about the big-time crime that’s happening in Small Town, USA. Each episode features the detectives who broke the case in their small town, and includes assets like jailhouse phone calls, suspect interviews and 9-1-1 calls.
Check out gabrus' other podcast, ActionBoyz
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