Season Finale! Comedians and friends Matt Johnson and Jay McCarrol are here to discuss Grizzly Man and other Werner Herzog films... then Finn and Billy create a new Tom Hiddleston/Sean Penn vehicle.
Friend and fellow Headgum podcaster Geoffrey James is subbing in for an injured Finn to discuss Tim Burton, the Coen Brothers, and pitch some new Halloween classics.
Finn and Billy discuss their favorite Scorsese movie, The King of Comedy, as well as a few of their own creations, including a new Johnny Depp pirate film.
We're joined by friend and comedian Artoun Nazareth discussing our favorite Wes Anderson movies... and then fictional Christopher Plummer film: The Devil's Smile.
Friends and fellow Headgum podcasters Geoffrey James and Reilly Anspaugh join Finn and Billy to discuss a modern masterpiece: Big Fat Liar. Then they make up a few movies of their own.
Podfather Amir Blumenfeld is in the house discussing The Social Network and merch opportunities for the show... Then he pitches a RomCom for the road/ages.
Friends and film fans Finn Wolfhard and Billy Bryk discuss and dissect their favorite movies to ever exist... and some that don't! Subscribe today and catch the first episode, launching 9/10!