The Ways in Which (with Camirin Farmer)

We're back and we're hornery. We talk about marriage and mentally ill babies, Real Housewives and mentally ill Real Housewives, and the ways in which young Mormons are (or, apparently, are not) having sex. Comedian Camirin Farmer comes through with a list of artifacts that can only be described as iconic, and also ruthlessly drags actress Lea Michele but we're fine with that. 

Plus, per every lil freak's request, Caleb and Shelby unearth their first ever video artifact, a public-broadcasting-esque examination of a photograph that's shooting around space at this very minute. 

Camirin's Artifacts:

  • Barbra Streisand (Celebrity)
  • Bebe's Kids (1992 Film)

  • An Oriole's baseball game that they win (Sporting event)
  • The Cake (Audio-visual)

  • The entirety of the Real Housewives franchise (Television series)

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